Binary Heap

A Binary Heap is a complete binary tree, which satisfies either the min-heap property or the max-heap property

Min-Heap property
- Root is element with minimum value.
- Value at each node is greater than or equal to the value at its parent node.

Max-Heap property
- Root is element with maximum value.
- Value at each node is less than or equal to the value at its parent node.

Binary Heap is partially ordered. The ordering amongst elements at the same level doesn't matter. It must satisfy only the requirements of being a binary heap.

Binary Heaps can be stored in arrays as they are complete binary trees.

Some applications of binary heaps include :
-Priority Queues
-Order Statistics -> Kth largest element, merge K sorted arrays, ...

Binary Heap can be implemented using arrays.
In an array starting from index 0, to access elements corresponding to a node with index n :

Current Node -> n
Parent of Current Node -> (n-1)/2
Left Child of Current Node -> 2n + 1
Right Child of Current Node -> 2n + 2

So, if our current node is 2 then :
Current Node -> n -> 2
Parent of Current Node -> (n-1)/2 -> 0
Left Child of Current Node -> 2n + 1 -> 5
Right Child of Current Node -> 2n + 2 -> 6

Implementation : 

 #include <iostream>  
 using namespace std;  
 // Implementation of Binary Heap with min heap property  
 void swap(int *x, int *y)  
      int temp;  
      temp = *y;  
      *y = *x;  
      *x = temp;  
 // Implementatiton of a min heap  
 class Heap{  
      int capacity; // Total capacity  
      int size; // Current size  
      int * arr;  
      Heap(int cap);  
      void printer();  
      void insertkey(int val);  
      void deletekey(int val);  
      int parent(int n);  
      int leftchild(int n);  
      int rightchild(int n);  
      int getmin(){ return arr[0]; }  
      void minHeapify(int i);  
      int extractmin();  
      void decreasekey(int i, int new_key);  
 Heap::Heap(int cap)  
      this->capacity = cap;  
      this->size = 0;  
      this->arr = new int[cap]; // Dynamic allocation since inside a function  
 int Heap::parent(int n) { return (n-1)/2; }  
 int Heap::leftchild(int n) { return 2*n+1; }  
 int Heap::rightchild(int n) { return 2*n+2; }  
 void Heap::insertkey(int val)  
      if(this->size == this->capacity) { cout<<"Cannot Insert"<<endl; return; }  
      int i = size-1;  
      arr[i] = val;  
      if (i == 0){ return; }  
      while( arr[i] < arr[parent(i)] )   
           swap(&arr[i], &arr[parent(i)]);  
           i = parent(i);   
 //Heapify the tree from root i  
 //Assumes subtrees are already heapified  
 //To be called in extractmin  
 void Heap::minHeapify(int i)  
 {     int smallest = i;  
      if( leftchild(i)< size && arr[i] > arr[leftchild(i)]) { smallest = leftchild(i); }  
      if( rightchild(i)< size && arr[smallest] > arr[rightchild(i)]) { smallest = rightchild(i); }  
      if(i != smallest) {  
           swap(&arr[i], &arr[smallest]);  
 int Heap::extractmin()  
      if (this->size <= 0) {cout<<"No element in heap, cannot extract "<<endl; return INT_MAX; }  
      else if(this->size == 1) { size--; return arr[0]; }  
      int min = arr[0];  
      arr[0] = arr[size-1];  
      return min;  
 // Decreases the key of the element at index i to new_key  
 // new_key should be smaller than arr[i]  
 void Heap::decreasekey(int i, int new_key)  
      arr[i] = new_key;  
      while(i != 0 && arr[i] < arr[parent(i)])  
           swap(&arr[i], &arr[parent(i)]);  
           i = parent(i);  
 // Delete key at index  
 void Heap::deletekey(int index)  
      decreasekey(index, INT_MIN);  // takes INT_MIN to root
 void Heap::printer()  
      for(int i = 0; i<size; i++)  
           cout<<"i "<<i<<" -> "<<arr[i]<<endl;  
 int main()  
      Heap x(10);  
      return 1;  

Output : 

Insertion and Deletion in Binary Heap takes O(log n) time.
getmin() takes O(1) time
updating index value takes O(1) time


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